So you want to carry a full line of manga and anime in your store?  Lucky for you that your store's not in Japan, where you'd compete with bookstore giant Kinokuniya and its new flagship manga and anime retail outlet.  According to Natsume Maya the giant Japanese bookstore chain just opened its flagship store in the Shinjuku section of Tokyo.  The store, which is called 'Forest' (perhaps for the number of trees sacrificed to produce its manga inventory), specializes in manga books and anime DVDs.  The store's inventory includes a massive 150,000 manga volumes and approximately 50,000 primarily anime DVDs.


Certainly this pop culture mega-store should be on the itinerary for any manga or anime fans visiting Japan.  While we have seen considerable growth in the number of both manga and anime releases here in the U.S., we certainly have a long way to go before we will have anything resembling the 'Forest' here.