Austin Osueke, the publisher and CEO of the San Francisco-based eigoMANGA, has brought his company full circle from Internet-only publishing of dot.comics to releasing printed manga anthologies through Diamond Comic Distributors.  In December, eigoMANGA is publishing eigoMANGA Rumble PAK #1, a 96-page ($4.95) anthology of high quality manga artwork created by (mostly) American artists.  The first eigoMANGA print publication, eigoMANGA FINALLY! sold out within a week of its publication.


In order to get Rumble PAK #1 out in December, another publication, eigoMANGA IMPACT, originally scheduled for September, has been pushed back to March 2004.  The eigoMANGA crew consists of 24 artists, most of whom are from the United States, though the company's Internet origin has led to interest from artists from around the world--Spain, the UK, Singapore, Japan, and the Phillipines are all represented in the ranks of eigoMANGA contributors.