Opponents of the Bush Administration and its aggressive foreign policy will have tons of fun with a new 'stacked' poker deck featuring the top Bushies assembled in order of importance in a clever parody of the Administration's Iraq's Most Wanted cards.  Three New Yorkers, Zach Levy, Ben Dailey, and Ryan Deussing, came up with the concept, and their politically charged playing cards have received notice in numerous publications including The New Yorker and Newsweek.


Want to find out who in the Bush Administration is an ex-con? Or who never graduated from college?  Or who was honored by Chevron's christening of a new supertanker with their name on it (later changed to avoid the appearance that big oil might have an influence on the administration's foreign policy)?  How high is your Bush I.Q.?  Do you know which administration figure is nicknamed 'Yoda,' and whose white house moniker is 'turd blossom?'  The answers are all on the backs of the Bush Cards, which are available right now through Davis Marketing Services (see 'John Davis Forms Marketing Firm').  The decks, which retail for $6.95, are available to retailers for $4.20.