Alien Menace Games, the New Jersey-based board game developer, has reached an agreement with the Graham Chapman Archives to produce a commercial version of a board game developed by Chapman in the 1970s.  Chapman, who was a qualified but non-practicing physician, created a board game in which the winner was the first player to reach the mortuary and receive 'a sweet merciful death.' Chapman wrote all sorts of absurd 'Pythonic' rules such as, 'the game must not be played by anyone named Cyril or Edith.'  To preserve the charm and hilarity of the game Alien Menace will reprint all of Chapman's rules; to make the game playable, the manufacturer will also insert a set of modified rules that will actually allow players, whatever their names, to compete for that ultimate prize, the coroner's toe tag.


Alien Menace plans to release the game, which it bills as 'created by Monty Python's Graham Chapman,' next winter.  It should retail in the $25-30 range.  Stay tuned for more details.