Moore Action Collectible (MAC) has released information on the second series of action figures based on the long-running X-Files television series.  MAC, which specializes in creating action figures for collectors, obtained the license to create X-Files figures last spring (see 'Moore Action Collectibles Gets X-Files License').  The first series of MAC X-Files figures included Agent Doggett, Assistant Director Skinner, and the beautiful assassin Maitreya (see 'First News of MAC's X-Files Figures').  The new series of three figures continues Moore's tradition of making figures based on colorful key characters from the show's many memorable episodes, rather than trying to redo what previous X-Files action figure license-holders have done.


Included in the second series of MAC figures is Special Agent Monica Reyes, who is played in the series by Annabeth Gish.  She is new to the series, but she has brought a fresh, intelligent approach to the show, which is now in its ninth season.  She is joined in series 2 by Alex 'Ratboy' Krycek, who made his first appearance on the X-Files in the season two episode 'Sleepless.'  Krycek has become increasingly sinister as the series has progressed.  He is definitely one of those characters you love to hate.  The third figure in MAC's second series also first appeared in season two.  In the episode entitled 'Colony' the square-jawed alien known as the Bounty Hunter and portrayed by Brian Thompson appeared as the overseer of the alien cloning operation.


At this time Moore Action Collectibles has not determined a release date for its second series of X-Files figures.  Look for additional information (and pictures) right here in the near future.