Viz Media has announced that Bandai America has been named the primary toy licensee for products based on Blue Dragon, a new anime series based on the X-Box 360 game developed by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy.  Akira Toriyama, creator of the popular Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z manga, produced the character designs used in both the Blue Dragon X-Box 360 role-playing game and in the Blue Dragon anime series, which debuted in Japan on TV Tokyo on April 7th.


Produced by Studio Pierrot (Naruto, Bleach) the Blue Dragon anime series is a classic fantasy/adventure set in a world of flying air fortresses and magical shadow powers.  The X-Box 360 Blue Dragon game should go on sale here in August. Viz Media, which holds the broadcast and home video rights for the Americas (see 'Viz Gets Blue Dragon Anime'), has not yet announced the dates of the Blue Dragon anime's debut on American TV or on DVD.