Eden Studio's Ghosts of Albion RPG, announced in 2004 (see 'Eden Studio's Ghosts of Albion RPG'), is complete and is expected to ship in the next month.  The $40 hardcover will weigh in at 256 pages. 


Del Rey's novel series is ongoing, and a movie has been optioned, giving this popular property a chance to hit escape velocity. 


Eden is also planning two topical All Flesh Must Be Eaten releases  In October, timed to coincide with the releases of the lastest Pirates of the Caribbean DVD, Eden will release Argh Thar Be Zombies.  And before the end of the year, the World War II version of AFMBE, Band of Zombies, will street. 


The core All Flesh Must Be Eaten book has sold out its sixth printing, putting the total copies sold at over 20,000 copies.