Northstar Games has placed its trivia-based party game Wits & Wagers in Target stores across the nation.  The game already has pretty good hobby distribution with between 400-500 stores carrying the game.  Target will be the exclusive mass market source for the Wits & Wagers, and will be selling it at the regular MSRP of $29.99.  Hobby distribution of the game will not be affected by the Target deal.


First released in 2006, Wits & Wagers is a fast paced party game designed for between 4 and 20 players.  The players all write down the answer to a trivia question (such as 'In what year was the bikini invented?') and place their responses face up on the game board whereupon players then bet on which answer is closest to the correct answer--and, in the game's most ingenious twist, in the following betting round, players don't have to wager on their own response, they just have to decide which answer is closest to the truth.  Wits & Wagers has already won 11 awards including 'Party Game of the Year' from Games Magazine (see '2007 Games Magazine Awards') and the Mensa Mind Game Award.