Cartoon Network has announced Batman: The Brave and the Bold, a new animated series from Warner Bros. Animation that will debut next fall and feature the Caped Crusader along with a number of other DC Superheroes including Green Arrow, Blue Beetle and Aquaman, to name a few.  The series will be set in a new continuity unrelated to that of The Batman animated series that aired on the WB and CW over-the-air networks. The new Batman: The Brave and the Bold series will air on Friday nights in a new adventure block anchored by the Star Wars: Clone Wars series.


Batman: The Brave and the Bold will be based in Gotham, but will frequently find the Dark Knight outside the city limits and facing new challenges on unfamiliar ground. James Tucker and Linda M. Steiner, who produced the Legion of Superheroes cartoon series that is currently airing on the CW network, will function in the same capacity on Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which will be broadcast in the standard 30-minute episode format.