Gozer Games has launched Collateral Damage (MSRP $40), the first anime board game, in which players are gang bosses who are trying to take over as many cities as possible in Neo-Japan.  But there’s a catch, each player’s gang is made up of a stereotypical characters from romantic comedy anime—and these characters tend to act unpredictably at times, especially when they fall in love.  Players can fire their characters and acquire new ones, though that can be expensive (in Notoriety Points) and one never knows when their most effective character might get smitten with a bad case of puppy love.


Characters were licensed from anime series Project A-ko and Dominion Tank Police.


The combination of yakuza action and romantic comedy has made this innovative board game (age rated 13+) popular with both males and females.  Collateral Damage was heavily play-tested before production, and Gozer Games is planning to produce expansions to the basic game.


The Collateral Damage game, which features illustrations by Shannon Townsend who does the Webcomic Otaku-no-Yen, includes: 20 city tiles that are used to make up the game board, six sets of sliders, token stands, dice, and six Gang Boss cards, plus over 55 different characters, each with his or her own stats and unique special power, 45 training cards, 1 grease pencil, a four-page custom manga, and complete instructions.


Gozer Games will be demonstrating Collateral Damage at game and anime conventions throughout the summer.