Hidden City Games is preparing an October launch for the Bella Sara Baby Bella Expansion, the seventh release for the popular Bella Sara TCG, which targets 5-12 year-old girls with an equine-centric trading card game that also has an extensive online component.  The Baby Bella expansion includes three new card types including “Parent” cards that depict both the mother and the father, “Offspring” cards that show their beautiful foals, and “Teacher” cards that reveal the caretakers that help the foals learn and grow.  By collecting and activating each member in a family tree, collectors can earn unique rewards online, while the series also contains 12 magical toy inserts (1 per every six packs) that can be used to activate magical online toys.


Each Bella Sara Baby Bella Trading Card Pack (MSRP $2.99) contains seven cards plus a Baby Bella card checklist.  Each Display Box (MSRP $107.64) includes 36 card packs, and each case contains 20 boxes.  The entire Bella Sara Baby Bella series contains 129 new cards including 22 parents, 48 offspring, 10 caretakers, 12 magical toy cards, and 37 shiny foil horse cards.


The Baby Bella Expansion Card Packs are also available in a blister pack format (one pack per blister, MSRP $2.99) with 15 packs per Blister Pack Carton (MSRP $44.85), and a special Value Box (MSRP $9.99), which contains 4 Baby Bella card packs, 1 “Horseshoe” card (redeemable for 400 online horseshoes), and 1 exclusive online magical toy.  The Value Boxes are packed 12 per case (MSRP $119.88 per case).