SQP is preparing for the February publication of The Savage Art of Bob Larkin ($19.95), a 64-page, full color oversize collection of the work of cover artist Bob Larkin.  Although his work is little known among younger fans today, his paintings were very influential on the current generation of cover artists.  Larkin’s importance in his field can be judged by the fact that Joe Jusko is providing the introduction to this volume and Alex Ross is writing the afterword.


The prolific Larkin created cover art for a large number of Marvel Comics’ magazine-format titles in the 1970s and 1980s including The Savage Sword of Conan, Marvel Super Special, Marvel Preview, The Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu, Planet of the Apes, and Tomb of Dracula.


In addition to his work for Marvel, Larkin created covers for Warren (Vampirella, The Rook) and worked on such famous properties as Doc Savage, Star Trek and Star Wars as well as a number of paperback books.