In an interview with SciFi Wire, producer Harvey Weinstein declared: “We’re certainly going to do a Sin City 2 eventually, so I’m sure that’s coming up."  Weinstein was evidently unaware that Miller had completed a script for the sequel, something that ICv2 reported earlier (see “Sin City 2 Back on Track?”), and which Sin City star Jamie King, who played Goldie and her twin sister Wendy in the original film, confirmed in an interview with  According to King the Sin City 2 script combines new story elements with sections from the existing library of Sin City graphic novels.

Weinstein told SciFi Wire that “green-lighting Sin City 2 is a top priority,” but the project is hardly assured of smooth sailing.  In spite of the success of the original Sin City movie and the even more impressive performance of the Miller-based 300 movie, the abject failure (at least so far) of Miller’s The Spirit ensures that Miller’s Sin City 2 script will get a lot of front office scrutiny.  Hollywood is, after all, the ultimate “but what have you done for me lately?” town on the planet.