Tired of cutthroat board games like Risk where players awash in megalomania attempt to rule the world or Monopoly where acquisition is the only goal?  In May Strategic Space will release a non-violent, pure-strategy game entitled Samsara ($24.95) that takes its inspiration from contemplative Eastern philosophy rather than from aggressive Napoleonic dreams of grandeur or the acquisitive drive of unbridled capitalism. 


Samsara (the name refers to the many reincarnations one must undergo before reaching enlightenment) uses non-violent Buddhist metaphors in its gameplay.  Players are leaders of schools of philosophy who send their followers out to convert followers of other schools.  The winner of the game, which can accommodate up to 8 players, is whoever has the most converts when any player loses his or her last convert.


Samsara is pure strategy game.  No luck or dice are involved, though the gameplay does stress diplomacy and negotiation.  The shape of the board mirrors the eight-spoked wheel, which is a symbol of Buddhism.  The game is also compact—the board rolls up and fits in a tube along with a rulebook and pawns.