The four founders of The Pirate Bay, one of the largest Bit Torrent filesharing sites, were each sentenced to a year in jail and ordered to pay $3.6 million in compensation by a Swedish court.  The penalties were for providing the platform used to breach copyrights of music, video, and other files.


The organizers were unrepentant, vowing to appeal, and saying in a blog post on the site, “The site will live on! We are more determined than ever that what we do is right. Millions of users are a good proof of that.”


Regardless of the ultimate fate of The Pirate Bay, few believe that shutting down even a major filesharing site will have much long term impact on IP pirates, who have many other options for venues through which to share files.  And the impact is felt across categories.  As this is written, files available for sharing on the site include Dungeons and Dragons PDFs, Naruto episodes, and Spider-Man comics.