Correspondence between manga expert Matt Thorn and Christopher Handley’s attorneys before Handley’s plea agreement (see “Handley Pleads Guilty”), and with his mother since the plea have been removed from Thorn's blog at the request of Ms. Handley, according to Thorn’s most recent post. 


One small element of that now removed post, in a communication between Handley’s mother and Thorn, told a little about the man who’s now facing up to 15 years in prison for possession of manga depicting underage characters in sexual situations:


“Chris has a huge manga collection and loved cartoons of any type since he was a small boy.  He is a computer programmer, loves video games, and manages his type 1 diabetes religiously.  He doesn’t smoke or drink and never has.  He wants to get up in the a.m., go to work doing what he loves, come home and read his wide variety of books, besides manga, play games and take his insulin three times a day and do the same thing the next day.” 


Considerable information about the development of the case and plea bargain was removed from the site, and we choose not to go into them here, reflecting Ms. Handley’s wishes.  But those facts seemed important to us, so we're hoping that at the proper time they're made public.