Henry Selick’s stop-motion animated adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Coraline received 10 Annie nominations from the The International Animated Film Society including “Best Feature,” “Best Director,” and two nominations for “Character Design.”  Disney/Pixar’s Up was right behind with nine nominations followed by Disney’s new 2-D animated feature The Princess and the Frog with eight.  Hayao Miyazaki was nominated for Ponyo in the “Best Director” category and composer Joe Hisaishi was also nominated for his score for Ponyo.


However Ponyo was not nominated in the “Best Animated Feature” category where the nods went to Coraline, Up, The Princess and the Frog, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and The Secret of Kells.  Wes Anderson (The Fantastic Mr. Fox) joined Miyazaki in the “Best Director” category along with Pete Doctor (Up), Henry Selick (Coraline), and Christopher Miller (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs).


The Simpsons was nominated in the “Best Animated Television” category, while Warner Bros. Animation’s Green Lantern: First Flight and the Curiosity Company’s Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder got nods in the animated direct-to-DVD category.  Note that none of Seth (Family Guy) MacFarlane’s productions got nominated in the TV category and the Marvel/Lionsgate titles were shut out in the direct-to-DVD category.


The Annie Award winners will be announced on February 6th.  They are not always the best predictors of Oscar success.  Kung Fu Panda dominated the 2009 Annies, while Wall-e took the “Best Animated Feature” Oscar.