Mayfair Games and Gen Con have announced that Mayfair will expand its presence at Gen Con next year and become and official Co-Sponsor of the event.  Mayfair will expand its exhibit floor presence, which was already at 2500 square feet last year, not including its FunFair brand (see “Gen Con Opens Large”). 


Mayfair will add demo tables and increase the scope of the Great Mayfair Ribbon Quest, which allows attendees to collect ribbons by participating in demos, tournaments, and become Knights and Defenders of Catan.  Mayfair conducted over 7000 demos at this year’s show, and believes they lead directly to increased sales in stores. 


Mayfair will continue to sponsor the Training Grounds, and the Mayfair Pages and Squires Program. 


The 2011 North American Catan Championship will also take place at the show.