The Cartoon Network's latest anime series--Outlaw Star--broke into the Lycos 50 list of top Internet searches in mid-February.  Dragonball, bumped out of its number one spot by Valentines Day (#1), slipped to number three thanks to frenzied music fans trying to get their last free downloads from Napster (#2).  Outlaw Star, which debuted in January, is an outer space adventure that features a wisecracking soldier of fortune and his brainy kid sidekick.  Right after it debuted, Outlaw Star almost made it into the top 50 (see Outlaw Star Rising Quickly), but then dropped back.  Its quick reappearance indicates that the series is developing a fan base.


Right now video products are the way to take advantage of Outlaw Star.  Three DVDs and thirteen VHS tapes (both subbed and dubbed) are available from Right Stuf and other anime distributors.  Produced by Bandai Entertainment, the tapes and DVDs contain a total of 26 episodes, which are taken directly from the Japanese versions of the series, sparing viewers the cuts and changes made by the Cartoon Network.   


With the exception of video, there is not a lot of Outlaw Star merchandise available, though Bandai will be releasing a set of three Outlaw Star figures as part of its Anime Collector's Sets (see Bandai America Unveils....).  The set will include a 7.5-inch replica of the Outlaw Star spaceship plus 4.5-inch figures of Gene and Melfina.