Mercy Thompson: Moon Called Vol. 1 TP
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: March 2011
Price: $16.99
Creator(s): Patricia Briggs (writer), David Lawrence (writer) and Amelia Woo (artist/colorist)
Format: 128 pgs.; Full-Color; Trade Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-6069-0203-5
Age Rating: Teen+
ICv2 Rating: 3.5 Stars out of 5

This graphic adaptation of a popular urban fantasy series has a lot going for it.  The artist has clearly studied the material, and included the infamous and difficult-to-draw tattoos that the main character wears.  In addition, the illustrations of wolves [and one coyote] that are essential to the story are very good.

This story is so detailed that even a good adaptation has to rush the pacing.  This is especially apparent in one case, where a character is introduced and killed off before the reader has a chance to care about him.  That is unfortunate, as the original prose version was able to handle this much better.  Those who have not read the novel may not even notice the difference.

The personalities of the large cast of characters also suffer, as events have to take precedence over character development, but the story itself remains intriguing, as it centers on mad scientists, werewolf power struggles, and other urban fantasy concepts.  It takes place in a world where the supernatural is quite real, but is only slowly being shown to the public.  Thus, the central character is a Native American auto mechanic whose shamanic abilities permit her to take the form of a coyote.  Her neighbor, though, is a traditional werewolf, old school and the leader of a pack.  Other supernatural beings pass through the story.

Fans of the novel may not be impressed by this graphic version.  Its appeal will be for fans of the graphic form, some of whom may be intrigued enough to go on to the prose version.

-- Nick Smith: Librarian Technician, Community Services, for the Pasadena Public Library in California.