WonderCon News: IDW Publishing has announced a new four-issue Rocketeer miniseries written by Mark Waid with art by Chris Samnee.  This will be the first new Rocketeer comic book series Dave Steven’s Rocketeer Adventure Magazine was published in 1995. 
Stevens created the Rocketeer comic book series in 1982, and Waid plans to continue the Rocketeer in the same vein—as an elaborate homage to the Republic movie serials of the 1930s.  Set in Southern California in the 1930s with a visual style heavily indebted to art deco, Dave Stevens’ Rocketeer was one of the most influential, though not necessarily one of the bestselling comics of the 1980s.
IDW has published Stevens’ Rocketeer comics and plans to continue to republish both the artist's Rocketeer comics and his other works.  At WonderCon IDW also announced Dave Stevens: Covers and Stories ($49.99), a 272-page B&W 8”x12” hardcover that collects all Stevens non-Rocketeer covers (and roughs) as well as all of Stevens’ short stories.