The second season of TableTop will premiere April 4th, according to a blog post by series star Wil Wheaton.   The first season of hte series, on Felicia Day's Geek and Sundry Channel on YouTube, had a big impact on the hobby games business (see “Top Ten Hobby Games Business Events of 2012”).  YouTube had previously announced that it was investing additional funds into original programming in 2013. 
Games featured in the new season will include Smash Up, Star Trek Catan, Shadows Over Camelot, Lords of Waterdeep and The Resistance, according to the post. 
Guest stars will include Jeri Ryan, Seth Green, Bobak Ferdosi, Ashley Clements, Patrick Rothfuss, and Wheaton’s son Ryan Wheaton. 
Wheaton also revealed that 2250 events in 55 countries have already been scheduled for International TableTop Day on March 30th (see “International TableTop Day”).