Comic Con News:  Dynamite Comics announced today that, building on the success of Gail Simone’s new ongoing Red Sonja series, it was launching a new Legends of Red Sonja prestige miniseries that pairs Simone with a team of top female novelists and comic book writers.  Simone describes the Legends of Red Sonja initiative, which will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the beloved comic book character, as 'a braided story with individual, unique stories written by titans of the comics, prose, and gaming worlds."
The list of writers involved in the creation of the Legend of Red Sonja includes novelists Nancy Collins, Tamora Pierce, and Meljean Brook, comic book scribes Marjorie Liu, Mercedes Lackey, Kelley Sue DeConnick, Leah Moore, and Devin Grayson, plus gaming and TV scripters Rhianna Prachett and Blair Butler.  Frank Thorne, one of the artists responsible for the "look" of the Red Sonja comic book character will provide one variant cover with Jay Anacleto set to do another variant.
Simone, who will be coordinating the entire effort was inspired by the success of her plan to launch her new Red Sonja series with a series of variant covers all created by female artists (see "Gail Simone on Her New 'Red Sonja' Series").  Look for more details about the 40th Anniversary Legends of Red Sonja miniseries in the coming weeks.