R&R Games has announced two new board games for release in the fourth quarter: Plunder and Unnatural Selection.
Plunder is a deduction card game where players take the role of Pirate Captains with buried treasure to protect.  Of course, the goal is to steal the hidden treasures from the other Captains by figuring out what three landmarks triangulate the location of the booty.  The first player to find each hidden treasure gets the largest share, with those who reach it second or third getting smaller portions.  If a player keeps their treasure hidden from rivals, they score victory points at the end.
The game is designed by Jonathan Franklin with art by Mike Perry.  It is for 2 – 6 players ages 10 and up. MSRP is $24.95.
Unnatural Selection is a tongue-in-cheek battle game where players use creature cards in a battle arena.  Once the battle begins, opponents play cards to alter their rival creature’s abilities in humorous ways.  There is a Judge player who selects one combination of creature and odd attributes as winner of the match.  Whoever’s creatures are the first to win five challenges wins.
The game is designed by Ken Gruhl and Quentin Weir, with art by Matthan Heiselt.  It is for 3 – 10 players, ages 8 and up. MSRP is $10.95.