Guardians of the Galaxy is 22 days from opening, and the Disney/Marvel  PR machine is obviously taking advantage of the pre-San Diego Comic-Con geek news lull by feeding content to major news outlets.
Michael Rooker, who’s geek rating went sky-high after a memorable turn as Merle Dixon on AMC’s The Walking Dead, was recently interviewed by USA Today about his turn as blue-skinned, red-mohawked Yondu.  Though in the comics Yondu is a member of the original incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy team, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he will function as young Peter Quill’s intergalactic surrogate father figure, raising him amongst his intergalactic outlaw gang , the Ravagers.  It is Yondu who schemes with Quill to steal a certain orb which sets the main movie plot into motion.

Marvel has also released a new extended trailer, which we share here.
For more Guardians video see "New Extended 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer."  The movie opens August 1st.