Score Entertainment has announced the launch of its InuYasha Trading Card Game organized play program supporting the October 20 launch of the InuYasha TCG.  Tournament kits will be available to all stores registered as a host with Score Entertainment's Verified Event Network (SEVEN).  Retailers who are not already registered can do so by visiting the Score Entertainment Website.  Each tournament kit will be free of charge to all SEVEN hosts and includes 20 entry promo cards, a promotional poster and an exclusive card binder.


The InuYasha TCG is based on the popular manga and anime series created by Rumiko Takahashi.  The action packed feudal fairy tale has received extensive airing on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, where it is one of the most popular anime series. Both the InuYasha manga and the InuYasha anime series rank in the Top Ten properties in their respective categories as determined by ICv2 in its quarterly publication, The Retailers Guide to Anime & Manga.  Score is planning extensive convention support for its new InuYasha TCG, starting with Wizard World Texas in November and GenCon SoCal in December.  Both conventions will have small ongoing sealed tournaments and large tournaments with cash prizes.