Wizards of the Coast has announced that it is in the process of mailing a complimentary display of starter sets for its new Xiaolin Showdown Trading Card Game to each and every core hobby/game store in its merchant relations database.  WotC is providing hobby retailers with this free merchandise both to create additional interest in its latest TCG release and to support the core hobby/game retailers who have made WotC such a success over the past 15 years.  There are no strings attached to the gift -- retailers can use the display to demo the game, as promotional giveaways, or simply put it out on the shelf and sell it.


As a mainstay of the popular Kids' WB Saturday morning lineup, Xiaolin Showdown remains a potent property.  On the first Saturday in November it topped both Yu-Gi-Oh! and The Batman in ratings.  The property is getting a big push on a number of fronts this fall (see 'Fall Will See Xiaolin Showdown Merchandise Push').


In addition to providing free Xiaolin Showdown Starter Displays to retailers, WotC also announced that in 2006 it would continue to attempt to strengthen stores in the hobby game industry by launching new core-exclusive products (as it did with Hecatomb), strengthening its organized play programs, and continuing its $3 million Pro Tour.