This July Dabel Brothers Productions is launching a comic book series based on bestselling author Laurell K Hamiliton's series of Anita Blake books.  Ms. Hamilton's series of books about a sexy vampire hunter is basically an R-Rated Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it should appeal to fans of Gothic horror, but the books are also considered to be 'romance' novels with a readership that is 70-80% female, which should bring some new fans into comic shops when the first issue of Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures ($2.95) ships in July.


Ms. Hamilton is actively involved in adapting her novel (Guilty Pleasures) into the comic book format and she is promoting it on her Website. With a 'hardcore' fan base of 30,000 in mind the Dabel Brothers are planning to produce three different covers for each issue based on the idea that Ms. Hamilton's hardcore fans will support anything related to Anita Blake.