Liberty Media Corporation announced the completed merger of IDT Entertainment with Starz Entertainment Group (see 'Liberty Media To Acquire IDT ') into a new large-scale entertainment company named Starz Media.  The combined companies will have a new focus on producing video and filmed content for all distribution channels, including theatrical, TV, and DVDs. 


IDT has a lot of properties of interest to pop culture retailers, such as The Simpsons and King of the Hill; and it owns Manga Entertainment (Ghost in the Shell and other properties), 5% of Archie Comics, a share of Stan Lee's Pow! Entertainment, and video distributor Anchor Bay Entertainment.


IDT also produces the ongoing live-action Masters of Horror Showtime series, directed by the likes of John Carpenter, John Landis and Peter Medak, and is producing an upcoming ABC series titled Masters of Science Fiction.


New productions planned for SEG include Rob Zombie Presents the Haunted World of El Superbeasto (see 'El Superbeasto Direct to DVD'), The Simpson's Movie (see 'Simpsons' Movie to Get Cross Company Push') feature film, and Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of The Slasher Film for the Starz channel.