Wizards of the Coast is offering retailers a spinner rack specifically constructed to display collectible miniatures game product.  The space-saving store fixture, which is valued at $475, is free to retailers who order a mixture of three different WotC CMGs (retailers can mix and match to reach the total by choosing either Dungeons & Dragons minis, Star Wars minis, or Dreamblade minis). 


While supplies last, retailers who order these CMGs through their distributors (or directly if they are Premier Stores) will receive a complimentary fill of $600 worth of Axis and Allies Miniatures.


In 2004 WotC offered retailers a spinner rack constructed for display of Dungeons & Dragons and d20 role-playing games. The fixture sold out rapidly and was a major hit with retailers and resulted in increased sales of D&D product for the stores that ordered it.  Like the D&D spinner, the new CMG rack is limited to the hobby and bookstore channels.  It addresses some of the in-store display challenges that retailers have with the burgeoning CMG category.