DC Comics has donated $5,000 to ComicsPRO, a fledgling retailer organization that now represents more than 80 direct market comic retailers.  The goals of ComicsPRO are to allow direct market specialty retailers to speak with a single, strong voice on important industry issues, to provide educational and mentoring support to current and future retailers, and to offer opportunities to reduce some of the fixed costs that all comics' specialty retailers incur (see 'Health Insurance for Comic Retailers'). 


In addition to savings on health insurance from Assurant Health, ComicsPRO offers members a number of other benefits, including preferential rates on credit card processing from Chase Paymentech, discounts on ComTrac and MOBY comic inventory software, and discounts on business forms from Legal Zoom.com.


DC Comic Publisher and President Paul Levitz explained the reasoning behind DC's donation, 'ComicsPRO represents a step towards creating a permanent, ongoing forum for communication and cooperation that's good for the field.'


ComicsPRO board member Chris Powell praised DC's support of the retailer organization, 'The team at DC Comics has long been among the first to show support for organizations and initiatives that they see as an aid to the comics industry. It's gratifying to see this is still the case - support like theirs will help ComicsPRO members and the industry as a whole.'