Dave Brzeski of The House On The Borderland in Peterborough, United Kingdom comments on Steve Bennett's column (see "Confessions of a Comic Book Guy--The Court Martial of Captain Marvel") about DC Comics not using the name Captain Marvel in the upcoming "The Curse of Shazam!" backup story.

Steve Bennett wrote: "I suppose the most ironic thing about this whole deal is this now gives Marvel Comics an absolute grip on the name Captain Marvel at a time when they don't have a Captain Marvel and show no interest in creating one.  Putting yet even more pressure on their still unseen revival of Marvelman."

It's more ironic you mean than the fact that the Marvelman character which Marvel is planning to revive is actually a British reworking (when they found they could no longer reprint the originals, due to DC having successfully sued Fawcett over similarities to Superman) of the original Captain Marvel, which DC now own the copyright to?

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