Steven Lo of Jelly's in Aiea, Hawaii saw our coverage of Marvel's new comic distributor to bookstores (see 'Marvel Signs With Source Interlink') and the response (see 'Rick Keefe of R-Galaxy Comics on Marvel in Bookstores'), and offered his comments:


Here in Hawaii we have always had to deal with the major bookstores and other chains selling comics.  For that matter, games also.  When the speculator bubble started in the early ' 90s there was an explosion of stores that started to carry comics.  The extra stores carrying this product did have an impact but the effect was short lived.  They didn't have the product knowledge to make it work.  In the end, they carry just the basic titles or they go away.


The real question is are they getting the direct editions or a more expensive newsstand editions of these books?


Another question that we need to ask ourselves is why are we so upset when a Manufacturer finds another outlet for their product?  This question does not include exclusives which is another can of worms.


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