Tom Ray of groundZero in Mobile, Alabama has a store in a Katrina-affected area and has seen his business severely affected:


What a mess!  Our city (Mobile, Alabama) was flooded, and considering the plight of everyone else, we were lucky!  Our building here at groundZero was mostly unscathed, however there are many roofs and buildings gone, and even though we have regained power and the ability to open, mile long gas lines and local curfews are rapidly destroying any chance we might have to remain open.  All of our credit and reserves were used up last year recovering from Ivan.


Ivan killed our Pensacola, Florida and Daphne, Alabama stores last year, and Katrina may still close our Mobile store this year.  I feel like we may be the only coastal comics and gaming store left between Pensacola and Texas, but we can't stay open with no sales and bills that will mount rapidly!  Please help!  I don't know any other way to ask, it will be only a couple of weeks before the lack of revenue completely destroys my business.  Please help us.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  I thank everyone in advance and hope to be around reading the ICv2 news in a couple of months.


Otherwise, in the middle of my own crisis, we are making efforts to help other affected people.  Lots of refugees from Louisiana and Mississippi are flooding into the city looking for shelter.  We are donating all of our excess 'promotional' materials (mostly extra FCBD comics and older games) directly to the shelters.  If anyone has anything to donate to this effort, please contact me.  As above, thanks in advance for your assistance.