The premier of the highly anticipated Spectacular Spider-Man anime series, which was originally set to debut on the CW Network on Saturday March 1st, has been pushed back to Saturday March 8th.  Two episodes of the new Spider-Man series will then debut back-to-back at starting at 10 am (ET, PT).  Sony and Marvel have a lot riding on the new series, which already has received loads of licensing attention (see 'More Spectacular Spider-Man Licensing'). 


The Spectacular Spider-Man series, which is produced by Sony's Culver Entertainment, features a solid vocal cast led by Josh Keaton (Spidey/Peter Parker), Lacey Chabert (Gwen Stacy), Ben Diskin (Eddie Brock), and Robert (Nightmare on Elm Street, V) Englund (Vulture).  The first episode of the series, which is set during Peter Parker's junior year in high school, was screened at WonderCon over the past weekend.


Interestingly, even though additional episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man have already been ordered, it is not yet clear where or when the series will be shown next fall -- a situation that the new Spidey series shares with the other toons appearing on the CW's animation block.  4Kids is taking over the CW's Saturday morning animation block (see '4Kids Takes Over Kids WB'), which could leave a lot cartoon series including Magi-Nation, Eon Kid, Legion of Superheroes and The Batman, looking for a new Saturday morning venue.