Fan favorite Skottie Young will write and draw a new ongoing series starring Guardians of the Galaxy member Rocket Raccoon beginning in July, Young told MTV.  This will be the first time Young will both write and draw an ongoing series.  He’s best known for his work on Marvel’s Oz adaptations (written by Eric Shanower), and his variant covers for many Marvel titles.   

"I think it's going to have a connection to that nostalgic feeling for 'Looney Tunes,' that old animated flavor where everything wasn't squeaky clean, you know?," Young said.  "Daffy Duck would get his bill blasted off with double barrel shotguns... That's what I grew up watching, and being able to play around with that in this hyper-superhero intergalactic universe will be a lot of fun."

The film will be released on August 1st (shortly after the launch of the new comic, and Rocket is definitely getting a good share of the attention from the trailers and clips so far (see "First 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Trailer" and "'Guardians' Profiles and Poster").