CoolMiniOrNot has released information on the four new teams that will be joining the KaosBall League as expansions in July: Worstshire Goblins, Shadowdale Ninjas, Port Royal Pirates, and Moonshire Lycanthropes.
Kaosball, designed by Eric Lang (Quarriors, Arcadia Quest), is a card-based miniatures fantasy sports game combining elements of rugby with a king-of-the-hill scoring mechanic in a death match style game, which includes ringers and cheating.  There are multiple modes of play, and a pregame draft for ringers and team upgrades, as well as league play for up to eight players.  The base game, extra team boxes and league pack were funded on Kickstarter last year, and raised $356,752 from 1,896 backers ($188.16/backer average).  It shipped to the trade in June. 
CoolMiniOrNot recently announced plans for OP in Q4 (see "'Zombicide' 'Gaming Night Kits'").
The four Team Boxes will each contain 14 miniatures (7 runners, 6 bruisers, and a coach bust), a magnetic team board, and a custom die. MSRP is $24.99 each.  The Team Boxes release July 25th.