The Kids's WB has announced the acquisition of 26 more episodes of the cyber adventure anime series MegaMan NT Warrior.  The series, which made its first appearance in the US on the WB earlier this year (see 'Kids WB to Feature MegaMan NT Warrior'), debuted as the #2 overall program among Boys 6-11 and boosted ratings in its timeslot this summer close to 15% across three key young male demographics (Boys 2-11, Boys 6-11, and Tweens).  The 26 new episodes, which bring the WB's total to 40, should start airing on the number one Saturday morning kids' block in the spring of 2004. 


The launch of the MegaMan series was aided by a number of packaged goods and food promotions including ASAP Popcorn and Minute Maid Orange Juice (see 'MegaMan Celebrates 15 Years of Fun').