Viz LLC has announced it will release two exclusive InuYasha products in Borders and Waldenbooks this month.  First up is the InuYasha:  The Movie DVD (see 'InuYasha Movies Out This Year'), which will have an exclusive lenticular cover in the Borders Group stores.  Displays will appear on September 7th.
On September 17th, Viz will release a limited edition,exclusive collector's box containing InuYasha Volume 19 and an all-new demon form InuYasha action figure to Borders and Waldenbooks stores.
Viz has played both sides of the street with its bookstore exclusives.  Barnes & Noble was given a six-month exclusive on RahXephon (see 'Barnes & Noble Has RahXephon Manga Exclusive'); Waldenbooks had an exclusive on Hana-Kimi (see 'Waldenbooks Has Hana-Kimi Exclusive Through May').