In its Wednesday edition USA Today covered three illustrated War of the Worlds volumes that retailers might find useful in exploiting the launch of Steven Spielberg's blockbuster version of H.G. Wells' science fiction classic, which debuts on June 29th.  Best Sellers Illustrated's manga style War of the Worlds graphic novel was the only volume pictured in the article by Leilani Gallardo. Best Sellers' WotW graphic novel, written by Steven Stern and illustrated by Arne Starr, is set in post-9/11 New York and backed by TV advertising in the New York area (see 'Best Sellers Plans NY TV').


Also mentioned in the USA Today article were the 50th Anniversary Edition of the Classics Illustrated War of the Worlds comic book (see 'Classics Illustrated War of the Worlds Planned') and a reprint of the 1960 prose edition of Well's novel illustrated in a suitably creepy style by the great New Yorker cartoonist and illustrator of the macabre, Edward Gorey.